Radical Liberal Jimmy Carter
From The Wiki Trail
Radical Liberal Jimmy Carter is a New Campaign Trail achievement available in the 1976 scenario. To achieve it the player character must win over 400 electoral votes after running a platform that is staunchly pro-choice and promises universal healthcare.
Guide[edit | edit source]
Running Mate: Scoop Jackson
Visits: Illinois, California (whichever you are doing worse in, if equal go California)
- Scoop Jackson has the right ideas about what it means to be a Democrat -- strong on defense, and tireless in his fight for working class American.
- People want an outsider in government. I'm in a unique position to unite the country and move it towards a newer, more open chapter in its history.
- I will never tell a lie to the American people. My Southern Baptist faith and my family have guided me for my entire life. I will make sure my biography and home town get heavy coverage in our advertisements.
- We have to consider each case individually. New York was a one time thing, and they also had to make significant reforms before this loan was approved.
- I don't support cuts, to be sure, but neither do we need increases. We have made great strides in reducing tension with the Soviet Union.
- I believe that ways can be found to minimize forced busing while also remaining true to the Nation's ideals and our educational goals.
- I am a pro-choice candidate, and I support the Roe v. Wave decision. (Achievement question)
- I would absolutely support a law like this as President. It is past time that our nation had health coverage for all. (Achievement question)
- It is time for America to move past this issue. I will issue an immediate pardon if I am elected President.
- I don't really have a strong statement to make on this Amendment. This is an issue for Congress and the states to decide.
- I can see both sides of this issue, but if Congress passes this Act I won't veto it as President.
- I will apologize and admit that Playboy was not the best forum to discuss my Christian faith.
- We might have a few areas in which we have different opinions, but that is what the Democratic Party is all about. Part of running a national campaign is compromising for the good of the whole.
- Playboy definitely twisted these words to make them worse than they were. I will apologize profusely to the Johnson family and clarify this statement.
- I think this is a good idea that will show I'm serious about openness in government.(RNG 3518 or 3519)
- Anyone can see that I am a strong supporter of Civil Rights. I don't agree with what Wallace did, but my campaign is about healing this nation and bringing all sides together to face the future.
- I believe that any recovery that has occurred was incidental to those tax cuts. The cause was a combination of natural economic strength and increased spending.
- I'm neutral when it comes to the death penalty. This is an issue for the states to decide.
- We need to do anything we can, including reducing our consumption, working for peace deals, producing domestically, and stabilizing our relationships with oil-producing allies.'
- This is an issue I would have to consider more closely over the next couple of years. Let's see how the current negotiations go.
- This is an interesting idea, but I'm more concerned about issues like education and health care.
- I disagree strongly and believe that General Brown should be removed from this position for such comments. Israel is one of our most valued allies.
- This policy is a win-win for us. It helps our own farmers prosper, and it is a public relations victory for the world to see the Soviet Union depending on American enterprise.
- I've always believed in trying to change an institution from within. My family has consistently voted against segregation in our church, and will continue to do so.
- We will hit the West Coast hard, from Washington, through Oregon, down to California.